Day 18

Day 18

Good News of Great Joy by Avery Z. | FSM Student


Luke 2:1–21


The birth of Jesus was an event long awaited. Since the first clear prophecy about Jesus’s arrival, God’s people had been waiting for almost a thousand years.


One detail that the prophesies left out was that Jesus would be born in a manger. Jesus wasn’t going to be wealthy and magnificent—He was going to be the exact opposite. He was to be the son of Mary, a person with little rank on this earth, but abundant devotion to the Lord.


God picks those who you would never expect; these were the most ordinary but devoted people. This idea is displayed again in His choice of the lowly shepherds in the fields. He chose them to go and spread the news everyone had been waiting so long for—they were the ones “with whom God was pleased,” as expressed in verse 14.


Knowing this, we can rest assured that we don’t need to be extravagant and boastful to be loved by God; in fact, He favors those humble in their faith.