What is the Gospel?

The sole basis of our beliefs is the Bible, the 66 canonical books of the Old and New Testaments. The Bible is the Word of God, fully true; our final authority in all matters of faith, practice, and lifestyle.

There is One true God who exists eternally in three Persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, who are of one substance and equal in power and glory.

Jesus Christ is 100% God and yet 100% man, born of the virgin Mary.

Though all have sinned and deserve eternal separation from God, Jesus Christ died on the cross as our substitute—taking upon Himself the penalty for our sins.

On the third day Jesus rose from the dead in the body which had been laid in the tomb, defeating sin and death.

A person can be saved from the condition of sin and spiritual death only by the grace of God, when that person experiences the free gift of new birth by placing his or her personal faith in Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ will return someday, at a date undisclosed by Scripture, to judge the living and the dead. Those who have received the gift of salvation will spend eternity with Christ. Those who have rejected the gift of salvation will be condemned to eternal separation from God.

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