Young Adults

Do together. Pursue together.
Grow together.

God is real and He’s here. He can be known and experienced. His Word isn’t static—it offers relevant wisdom and timeless truth for today. And His church is where His followers grow and change—becoming more and more like Jesus together.

Do Together.

This means that we spend time doing things we love with others. Whether it's having fun on the disc golf course, book club, or going to dinner together, it's just a good time. Not every gathering has to be a Bible study—and that's ok.

Pursue Together.

This means that we have a direction and a purpose. We're not aimless. Biblical teaching and meaningful worship bring us clarity and wisdom as we encounter new challenges.

Grow together.

This is the heart of our ministry. When we encounter God through scripture, worship, and fellowship, we are changed. As individuals, we grow to become more like the Jesus of scripture, radiating love and disrupting social norms. As His people, we are learning how to live a life that embraces both meaning and mystery, confident that Jesus can be found in both.

Small Groups

Over the summer, we shift to fun, community-based events every Thursday night! Scroll down to our "Events" section to see all of the fun events coming up. If you'd like more information on when our Small Groups resume in the Fall, just click the button below!

Affinity Groups

We all have hobbies, right? We’ve at least thought about starting one. Let us help you! We have groups for people with special interests, we call them affinity groups, for those who have interests in things like Disc Golf, Pickleball, Book Club, and even more coming soon!

  • Pickleball

    Gather with fellow young adults to enjoy a fun and active game of pickleball together.

  • Book Club

    Explore the world of literature with other young adults in our book club.

  • Disc Golf

    Join us for some friendly competition and fresh air as we toss discs together.

  • Volleyball

    Enjoy the summertime and meet fellow young adults with some sand volleyball.

  • Foodies

    Join us as we embark on the ambitious goal to sample the endless, and diverse, food establishments in our area.

Upcoming Events

Tyler Riley

Young Adults Pastor

If you have any questions or want more information about Young Adults, you can contact us at