PushPay FAQ


As we switch to our new giving system with Pushpay, here is a list of questions that we hope provides you with some answers. If you still have questions after reviewing this list, you can call us Monday—Friday between 8:30am-5pm at 281-320-7588 or email us at accounting@faithbridge.org.


What is PushPay?
Pushpay is the company that Faithbridge has partnered with to provide easy and secure giving from web, text, and mobile access.

Is PushPay safe?
Yes. Credit card details are stored on industrial grade servers where this information is then encrypted. The security setup that is used is the same as many banks and is PCI DSS compliant.

Login and Password

What about my previously scheduled recurring gifts?
If you have a current recurring schedule with the old online system, you will be contacted by email with a tool to help you transfer your giving to Pushpay in just a few, short steps. The old system (FellowshpOne) will be turned off in June 2019. If you have already set-up your new giving follow these instructions to cancel your recurring gifts in the old system.

Why would I set up a login and password with PushPay?
When you create an account with Pushpay, all your information including your credit card or debit card is saved for easy access the next time you give.

Will I be able to see my historical giving data?
Yes, but not immediately. We are in the process now of transferring your historical giving data for the past 5 years and anticipate to be finished no later than July 1st. If you need access to your past giving before then, please contact the Accounting team at accounting@faithbridge.org or by calling (281) 320–7588.

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