Join us for a day of Kingdom impact as we serve our community! Most of our serve opportunities for the spring are family-friendly but some do have minimum age requirements.
Select your serve opportunity below for more info or to register!
Times: 10:30 am – 1 pm
Age requirements: 8-year-old minimum age requirement
Sleep In Heavenly Peace provides hand-made bunk beds to children who don’t have beds of their own. Volunteers will work together to build beds. SHP will have workstations for handing wood off, cutting, drilling, sanding, assembling, and branding. They provide all the tools and the training to help you complete the work efficiently and safely.
Times: 9:30 am – Noon
Age requirements: No minimum age requirement – this is a family-friendly serve opportunity
Kids’ Meals is ending childhood hunger by delivering free healthy meals to the doorsteps of Greater Houston’s hungriest preschool-aged children and through collaboration providing their families with resources to help end the cycle of poverty. Volunteers will work together to pack lunch bags.
Times: 9 am – 11 am
Houston Welcomes Refugees helps ease the resettlement process for refugees coming to Houston by mobilizing invested and caring volunteers, fostering hope amidst crisis. Volunteers will work together to fill Welcome Kits with household items that provide refugees with the starting essentials needed in their new home.
Times: 9 am – 12 pm
Care Net Pregnancy Center demonstrates the love of Christ to those facing a pregnancy decision by providing spiritual, physical, emotional, and educational support. Volunteers will be re-sealing/staining the wood fence around the property.
Age requirements: No minimum age requirements – this is a family-friendly serve opportunity.
Meals on Wheels delivers hot, well-balanced meals to the doors of seniors and other neighbors who are homebound because of disability or illness. Volunteer drivers will be given a route to deliver hot, nutritious meals to clients. With each delivery, volunteers provide a few moments of conversation to check on the client’s well-being, which seniors look forward to.
Times: 8 am – 9:30 am
Age requirements: 10-year-old minimum age requirement
Kickerillo-Mischer Preserve, also referred to as KMP, is an 80-acre park in Harris County Precinct 3 and our community. We can make a difference in our neighborhood through the stewardship and care of this public park. Volunteers will work together to pick up litter in the park, showing the love of Christ through a simple act of kindness.
Times: 2 pm – 4 pm
Meyer Park is a 180-acre park in Harris County Precinct 3 and our community. We can make a difference in our neighborhood through the stewardship and care of this public park. Volunteers will work together to pick up litter in the park, showing the love of Christ through a simple act of kindness.
Times: 9 am – Noon
Age requirements: 12-year-old minimum age requirement
Grace England Early Childhood Center, located south of the Beltway, is a Klein ISD school committed to supporting and caring for students aged three to five in a high-quality, play-based, developmentally designed program that addresses the whole child. Volunteers will work together to help in their garden, getting it back in shape for the springtime.