Day 21

Day 21

Word Became Flesh by Emily M. | FSM Student


John 1:9–18


If I’m really honest, I can find myself putting people on pedestals because of their faith and knowledge, but Jesus is the only person who deserves to be up there.


He’s the only true light, yet He came down as a humble servant. He saved us all through the gift of grace, yet we often push Him away. We, “His own people” sometimes do, “not receive Him”, but He gives us, “the right to be children of God” if we so choose to receive Him.


Although we Christians can be confident that we will spend eternity with God, we will still face struggles while here on Earth. We aren’t going to be perfect (only Jesus is) and that should make us humble. Still, we need to do our best to follow God; not for fame, not for acknowledgement, but simply because we love Him!


By doing this, we can point others toward Jesus, so they too can receive the gift of Christmas!