Day 23

Day 23

Eternal Life by Jillian B. | FSM Student


John 3:16–21


God sent His one and only Son to pay for our sins so that we may have eternal life through Him. We don’t have to do anything to earn this, but because God did this for us, we should not rely on the world but on Him.


If we depend on the world, we will fall into darkness. In my life, this has looked like getting really down on myself and trying to fill my heart with things that don’t satisfy me. But I always felt a sense of peace and refuge at church.


I would wonder why that was until I got saved and learned who God was! My peers could tell that there was a shift in me that I was different. They could tell I was much happier and that I didn’t have to rely on worldly things to be ¨happy.”


In the end, God loves us all, but we cannot develop a relationship with Him unless we stop going to worldly things and go to Him instead.